Direct url
Direct url

direct url direct url

Syntax:”/_layouts/15/Reporting.aspx?Category=Auditing”ĭescription : Using this report page we can see which list or library has consumed how much memory in a site collection and gives information about total occupied GB and allocated GB with the last modified date time information.ĭescription : Using this page we can list out all sites and sub sites and manage those sites from here.Ģ2. Url: “/_layouts/15/Reporting.aspx?Category=Auditing” To open this URL successfully we must activate the site collection level feature “SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure” otherwise we’ll get error.ĭescription : A master place to create all types of SharePoint objects like – Libraries, Custom Lists, Pages and Sites, Communication and Tracking.ĭescription : Using this report page we can generate or export all types of events occurred in the SharePoint list/library etc.System Master Page represents for Administrator.Syntax:”/_layouts/ChangeSiteMasterPage.aspx” Url:” /_layouts/ChangeSiteMasterPage.aspx” Here “ Web” is a case sensitive, it should be same as above “ Web”ĭescription : This will give the information about which version of SharePoint server is running.ĭescription : Using this page we can maintain the web part like add, delete etc.ĭescription : Using this page we can change site master and system master page and also css file.Syntax:/_layouts/15/ManageFeatures.aspx?Scope=Web Url: /_layouts/15/ManageFeatures.aspx?Scope=Web or /_layouts/15/ManageFeatures.aspx Here “ Site” is a case sensitive, it should be same as above “ Site”ĭescription : Using this page we can manage the site(web) level feature.Syntax:”/_layouts/ManageFeatures.aspx?Scope=Site” Url: /_layouts/ManageFeatures.aspx?Scope=Site Syntax:”/_layouts/15/AreaNavigationSettings.aspxĭescription : This gives the summary of web analytical reports for the site.ĭescription : Using this page we can manage the site collection level features. Url: /_layouts/15/AreaNavigationSettings.aspx The default retention time for both first and second stage recycle bin is 93 days.ĭescription : This is the place where we can create,update,delete site columns and assign the columns to content type.ĭescription : This is called site or user level recycle bin, using this page end user can restore their deleted items.ĭescription : Using this page we can mange the site level alerts.ĭescription : Using this page we can configure and manage navigation in quick launch.ĭescription : Using this page we can configure and manage the global navigation.Second Stage Recycle Bin:/_layouts/15/AdminRecycleBin.aspx?View=2.First Stage Recycle Bin:/_layouts/15/AdminRecycleBin.aspx?View=1.

direct url

Syntax: “/_layouts/15/AdminRecycleBin.aspx” Page Name: Site Collection Level Recycle Binĭescription : This is the place where site collection administrator can manage the recycle bin data at the site collection level. Page Name: Site Content and Structure Managerĭescription : This is to view the site report and hierarchy of the sites.ĭescription : This is to manage the solution(sandbox) – we can upload or delete or activate solution.ĭescription : This is a center place to manage the content type, here we can create, delete content type etc.Ħ. In the below process, we’ll learn about the various SharePoint administrative pages and their usages.ĭescription : This is to view the site contents, example: List/Library etc.ģ. Step by step explanation of shortcut URLs So if we are handy with shortcut URLs – we can navigate to any administrative page directly. One more example – in many cases due to browser rendering issue we won’t be able click on the edit page link to modify the web part – then we need to access the Site setting page – in this case we need to access the shortcut URL of changing the master page. For example – we need to change the master page – for this even though the “SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure” is activated in site collection level but we won’t be seeing the change master page UI from the There are many scenarios where traditional navigation fails Why do we need to know shortcut URL?ĭue to some reason when our traditional way of navigation does not work, the shortcut URL is the only way to proceed on otherwise we need to take PowerShell approach which needs coding effort. Being an administrator or power user it is recommended to have or know about the shortcut URL this will save the time and increase the productivity instead of going thru the traditional navigation.

Direct url